Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cheap Apple Mac Laptops at whats-hot-weekly.com

The words "cheap" and "Mac" rarely fit together in the same sentence. A new Mac is expensive. A slightly used Mac is usually quite reasonable. Whats-hot-weekly makes it easy to find the best deals on Macs anywhere on the internet. These Macbooks are priced for everyone.

Do I have to tell you how awesome MacBooks are? I love mine. There are only two things I would change about it. It is a brand new MacBook Pro and both of these problems are in the new design. The Macbooks from a year ago don't have these flaws. In fact, having owned a Macbook from the previous generation, I can honestly say that I preferred their design to the brand new ones. That is only because of these two issues though.

1.) The hinge is just a little too soft on it. That's to say the LCD display closes too easily when at an angle. This will only effect someone who likes to use a laptop while laying down. Here is a video describing this issue in more detail. This is actually a feature because it allows the MacBook to be opened with a single hand. This is a bug for some of us, because we don't really need to open the laptop with one hand and we don't like the lid to move when held at an angle. For some of you, this won't be an issue at all.

2.) The other issue with the new Macbook Pro design is in the aluminum unibody
itself. The edges one would normally rest one's arm upon while typing are sharp. They won't cut you but they are uncomfortable at first. You eventually get used to it, however. So, again, it's only a minor issue.

For the best deal possible, get one of the older MacBook Pros. It's easy to tell the difference between the two because the newer Macbook Pros have black keys where the older Macbook Pros had silver keys. In my opinion, the older design was slightly better, and those machines still have ample amount of horsepower for day-to-day computing. They are still better than many brand new laptops from other manufacturer. So if you are looking for a cheap apple mac laptop, try whats-hot-weekly.com first.

Monday, September 28, 2009

USB Microscope - Get up close and personal with your keyboard crud!

My whole family has been sick lately. Around this time every year, we get sick with what I've dubbed "going back to school disease." The kids go to school and spread around their germs and such. I guess it helps us all keep our immune system built up.

I was thinking back to some of the conspiracy theory I read about Royal Rife. If you've never read about the man, do a quick search for him on Wikipedia. Some people claim that Royal Rife discovered the cause and cure of cancer and many other diseases back in the 20s and 30s. They also contend that all of his research was buried by the American Medical Association and other.

Believe what you want about that. I personally think it's a fairy tale. It did however serve to get me interested in something. You see, Royal Rife supposedly invented an amazing microscope, the likes of which the world has yet to see since. Some claim that his microscope could view viruses while they were still alive. The claim states that today's electron microscopes are just as powerful as Rife's microscope but they kill small organism in the process of viewing them, by bombarding them with electrons.

I said all of that to get to this. I decided I would look into buying a microscope. I found that there are quite a few good microscopes out there for one's computer. You simply hook it up via USB and record video or images to the computer. They range in power and resolution. As always, find the best deal on them at whats-hot-weekly.com

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Changed Web Hosts

There were some issues with whats-hot-weekly.com over the past two days. I have been changing hosting providers and had to work out a few PHP issues. The server's configuration restricted the use of some functions. I had to work around them to get the site back to its normal self. If you see any issues I may not have corrected, drop me a comment here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Motivational Posters

I was looking through some of the art that's available on whats-hot-weekly.com and I noticed that there is a high demand for motivational posters. There are motivational posters for all types of organizations/groups, including firefighters, military, surfers, golfers, etc. They are rather cheap too. One can pick up 5 posters for under $40. A single poster can be purchased for less than $7. The difference will be in the shipping. It probably costs less to ship five together than it does to ship 5 separately. Check out the motivational posters at whats-hot-weekly.com.